Section outline

  • mgr Agata Romańska / Agata Romanska MA

    Centrum Językowe UEK / KUE Language Centre

    Zastępca Dyrektora Centrum Językowego UEK/Deputy Director

    Kontakt / Contact

    room: Building F, room no 209

    phone number: +48 12 293 5453

    Language Centre office: +48 12 293 5278
    • Studia stacjonarne / Full-time studies

      Monday (poniedziałek) - 11.30-13.00 (F209)

      Thursday (czwartek) - 11.30-13.00 (ONLINE)

      No regular office hours during the winter exam period!

      Winter exam period 2024/2025

      Friday (31.01.2025) 15.45-17.45 (F209/ONLINE)

      Wednesday (05.02.2025) 8.00-10.00 (ONLINE)

      Wednesday (19.02.2025) 9.00-10.00 (ONLINE)

      Friday (21.02.2025) 16.00-17.00 (ONLINE)

      MSTeams office hours  MSTeams code: uj5x3we

      Please wait for your turn in the waiting room.

      Proszę czekać na swoją kolej w poczekalni.

    • Studia niestacjonarne / Part-time studies
      office hours will be updated in March
      Winter exam period 2024/2025

      Friday (31.01.2025) 15.45-17.45 (F209/ONLINE)

      Friday (21.02.2025) 16.00-17.00 (ONLINE)

      Part-time students use the same link as above and may also use office hours for full-time students.

      Studenci niestacjonarni korzystają z tego samego linka oraz konsultacji co studenci stacjonarni.

      In case of inability to reach me f2f, please contact me via:

      • office hours on Teams (synchronously or asynchronously)

      • e-office hours in Moodle courses

      In individual and demanding a higher degree of discretion cases please write to :,

      All queries will be answered within 72 hours (except weekends and holidays).

    • You may only use an email address at the or domains, MSTeams, and Moodle platforms to contact your teachers.