All courses for students in winter semester 2020/2021

Monkey metaphor - on the road to a better management

This skeleton course will accompany you on the road to your credit this semester. It is an additional tool for October and November classes on Management.

An absolutely perfect way (Ain't I modest)? to help students who were absent for whatever reason.


Alll classes this semester will run according to schedule and will be executed through Zoom. If that is new to you, do not be too concerned, the tool is easy to use and your teacher will assist you. If you have problems with your computer or the connection on one or two occasions the credit should be save, however, if you miss more than three meeting, whatever the reason, you should ask the teacher to give you alternative tasks. Otherwise you might risk the credit winning in the second round.

How to keep the economy going - state intervention supersized

Based on the course book "English for Economic Studies", units relating to Economics, taxes and economic theories, the course offers insight into the place we are now globally and locally with a view to understanding the policies that government are undertaking to deal with "the new epoch" and the crisis it has brought on us.