Mathematics MBM (MSc) 22/23

Course Mathematics for Modern Business Management - AY 2022/23

Metody numeryczne IS niestacj 22/23

Kurs Metody  numeryczne dla studentów studiów niestacjonarnych - ZZISN1-2311, ZZISN1-2312

Metody numeryczne IS 22/23

Metody numeryczne - ćwiczenia dla grupy ZZISS1-2312

Mathematics GFA 22/23

Course Mathematics for students of Global Finance and Accounting - AY 2022/23

Mathematics CFA 22/23

Course Mathematics for students of Corporate Finance and Accounting - AY 2022/23

Numerical Methods IA 22/23

Course "Numerical Methods" for ZZIAS1-2311 - AY 2022/23